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Faculty/Staff Appreciation Luncheon

Friday, April 29 2022

It is time to thank the wonderful Tanner Dance Faculty and Staff for their dedication and hard work. The magic of Tanner starts with its devoted teachers, administration, musicians, BTS teachers, aides, and all of the other helping hands in between and I would love to recognize them for their great work. Can you help me make them feel loved? Our Tanner Dance Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week will be April 25-29 , with a luncheon on Friday, April 29th at 1p.m. A list of items needed is listed below. In addition to the food, we will be having a "raffle", hopefully providing a gift for everyone in attendance. Please email Erin Koelliker (erin.koelliker@utah.edu) or AJ Etzel (annjanine@hotmail.com) with any questions you might have.

12:00pm - 12:00pm
Large salads for 6-8
Green., spinach, pasta, veggie, etc. Please specify in "note to organizer" which you plan on bringing
3 / 8
2 dozen Rolls
2 / 2
Large Vegetable Tray
2 / 2
Large Fruit Tray
Can be fruit tray or large fruit salad.
1 / 2
Bottled Water
1 case of a least 24 bottles
2 / 2
Plates and Napkins
For approximately 50 people.
1 / 1
Knives, Spoons, Forks
For approximately 50 people.
1 / 1
Gifts or gift certificates
Gift certificates to restaurants, services (manicures, car wash, etc.), movie tickets, gift certificates to the dancewear store, bath/lotion goodies, plants, books, be creative! We will be having the raffle at the luncheon and would love as many fun items as possible. It is the goal for there to be a gift for everyone in attendance. It would be greatly appreciated if these items could be at the office by April 28th. 1 volunteer hour may be claimed for each $10 value of donated item.
Pie, cake, or 2 Dozen cookies (etc). Please specify in "note to organizer" what you are bringing.
3 / 7
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Set Up
1 / 5
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Clean Up
0 / 2

Contact the event organizers: Jennifer Killpack-Knutsen