Remote(online) Judging Robotics Tournament
Saturday, March 01 2025
This will be done at home on your computer. You must use a computer and not a phone. We need judges to interview teams for the robotics tournament via zoom. You do not need to have any experience and we will train you on how to do it. There is a rubric and score scale that we will go over. Judging will be done in groups and you must be present for the whole shift. NO PARTIAL SHIFTS. You will interview 8 teams and then rank them for awards. Again, you need to be present for all 8 teams. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Maricic at I will message everyone signed up the zoom link when we get closer to the event. If you sign up, please fill out this quick form:
Link to join remote interviews:
Meeting ID: 882 7676 3569
Passcode: 2025CAR4
Contact the event organizers: Maricic Charity