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Middle School Math Competition Donation

Monday, October 22 2018

Middle School Math Competition Donation. Please make sure that all donation are brought in to the front office by Monday October 22. Bring items in with your receipt with your students name, your name and the event the items are for written on the receipt, Make sure to log in your hours so that they can get approved.

6:00am - 6:00am
120 Granola Bars
120 Granola Bars
3 / 3
80 Caprisuns
80 Caprisuns
4 / 4
Lg Rolls of green plastic tablecloths
Lg rolls of green plastic tablecoths
4 / 6
60 pencils
60 Pencils
5 / 5
100 pens
100 pens
3 / 3
100 individually wraped small candy
100 individually wraped candy
3 / 3

Contact the event organizers: Amrhein Christy