Baccalaurete Mass Donations (Canceled)
Thursday, May 21 2020
Baccalaureate Mass Donations, If you can please bring items to the front office by Tuesday May 19th with your receipt with your students name and event written on it. Please make sure that if you can't bring the items to go back on line and cancel. Please make sure after you bring in your items that you go on line and log in your hours. You get 1 hour for every $20.00 spent. If you do not log in your hours you will not get credit. (This event has been canceled)
Please notice that the date has been changed, we are very sorry for any inconvenience.
24 pack of gold metalic large dinner napkins
24 pack of large gold metallic napkins
Contact the event organizers: Amrhein Christy
Confirm Password
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Grade *
Parent Last Name *
Parent First Name *
Message to Organizer