Volunteer Appreciation Party
Sunday, July 31 2022
Join us at Oaks Park for midway meals and fantastic rides! Sunday, July 31st we're inviting all current and former volunteers to join us in celebrating the time and energy we've given to the PMI Portland Chapter during these last few years. Our gathering is in picnic area 5 of Oaks Park. You are welcome to bring partners, spouses, children and anyone else who supported YOU while you gave time to US! We'll provide meal and drink tickets along with ride bracelets to enjoy.
Contact the event organizers: VP Operations (Do not log hours here)
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Volunteer Start Date *
Team Name
Volunteer Position/Title
PMI Email Address (if applicable)
Primary Phone
Cell Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Home Phone Number
Mailing Address
Chapter Member?
PMI Membership Number
Shirt Size
Annual Conference Volunteer Year
Volunteer Exit Date
Message to Organizer