Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Pancake Heaven Plus

Saturday, March 01 2025

Most shifts begin at 9:30.
Pancake Makers need to arrive at 9:00.
Clean up duties begin at 11am.

9:00am - 10:30am
Pancake Makers
Pancake Makers
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9:30am - 10:30am
Pancake Runner
Will bring Pancakes from upstairs downstairs
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Floaters to rotate & cover where needed
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Beverage (NOT Coffee) Station Monitor
Monitor Beverage Station and help serve people
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Food Donation table Monitor/Toppings table monitor
Food Donation table Monitor/Toppings table monitor
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Bussing and Plates
Bussing and Plates
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Ticket Helpers
Help people get or buy their tickets
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Swag Table Helper
Central Spirit Table Helper
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Face Painter Helper
Help Monitor the middle school kids that will be doing the face painting
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Raffle Helper
Help move people through the raffle area
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9:30am - 11:00am
Historian/Photographer to document event
Take pictures of the Event for PAC and Yearbook
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11:00am - 11:30am
Event Clean Up
Restore furniture, trash, compost & recycling, clean surfaces, vacuum/sweep floors. Alex will provide specific direction upon arrival.
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Take home dish washer
Restore furniture, trash, compost & recycling, clean surfaces, vacuum/sweep floors. Alex will provide specific direction upon arrival.
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11:15am - 11:30am
Pancake Laundry
Must stay until the end of the event to take home dishes.
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Contact the event organizers: Sobczyk