Pre-Primary and Primary Winter Celebration!
Friday, December 06 2019
Winter Celebration is a wonderful time to gather with other families, enjoy student performances, imbibe on hot chocolate, eat cookies and a few healthy snacks thrown in for good measure. There are many volunteer opportunities for families looking for V-hours. Please feel free to volunteer during the Celebrations, even if your child is not in that level. This will ensure that you can contribute to your V-hours and not miss the performances. The pre-primary and primary Winter Celebration is on Friday, December 5 and the Elementary and Middle School Winter Celebration is on Friday, December 13. Please remember that cookie donations are just that, a donation, and are not eligible for V Hours.
8:00am - 9:00am
Blankets to donate for event that will later be donated to a shelter
To donate (please bring in Dec. 7th before 9:00). 1 V Hour per blanket.
Paper Bowls
100 paper bowls for snacks! V Hour $ exchange.
Hot Beverage Cups-Paper
100 medium sized paper cups for hot beverages.
Large Cooler
For keeping ice cold to keep the milk cold!
1 V Hour.
Hot Cholocate Mix
V Hour $ exchange.
Light/Sugar Free Hot Chocolate Mix
V Hour $ exchange.
Specialty Hot Chocolate Mix
V Hour $ exchange.
Mexican Atole Mix
V Hour $ exchange.
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Cheese and Crackers
Cheese/cracker tray to serve 25. V Hour $ exchange.
Fruit Tray
Fruit tray to serve 25 people. Please be sure to have this item at Central no later than 4:30 p.m. V Hour $ exchange.
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Refreshment Set up
1. Set up venue in community room
Tables with cloths
Bowls with cookies
Bowls with fruit
Tables with crock pots
Tables with cups and napkins. 1 V Hour.
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Serve Hot Chocolate
2. Serve hot chocolate
Preheat crock pots with hot chocolate that have been set up on the blond table (3 hours before event). middles schoolers will do this
Ladle chocolate into cups-only ½ way full.
Restore after the event. 1 V Hour.
Serve Cookies and Snacks
3. Serve preloaded paper bowls containing 2 or 3 cookies. (Servers decide based on how many
cookies we have?)
Set individual bowls of cookies on round table (extras can be kept underneath the table).
Preload paper cups with fruit/popcorn table (if serving these)
Serve 1 bowl. (Remind everyone to select 1 bowl-not individual cookies)
Refresh tables. 1 V Hour.
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Restore After Event
1. Empty and wash crockpots and other serviceware
2. Empty coolers and leave in community room
3. Clear and Clean Tables
4. Restore blankets to a central location
5. Empty trash/ Recycling in dumpsters in alley
5. Place any "lost items" such as coats or mitten in bathroom in the community room
6. Check to make sure all doors are closed. 1 V Hour.
Contact the event organizers: V-Hour
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Message to Organizer