Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

8 - Christmas Party

Wednesday, December 20 2017

The 8th grade will celebrating Christmas with a Cup of Christmas Hot Chocolate and a Gift Exchange for their Secret Santa on Wednesday, December 21st at 8:30 am. PLEASE BRING ALL ITEMS IN ON TUESDAY. CHEF ALCALA WILL BE MAKING THE HC FIRST THING IN THE MORNING ON WEDNESDAY.

6:00am - 6:00am
TUESDAY - Large Container of Nestle Quick (Smart N Final) - Donation
Please bring a large container (serves more than 35 cups) of Nestle Quick from Smart N Final - 1 hour will be given
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TUESDAY - Corn Startch & 2 Lg or 3 Reg Cans Whipped Cream - Donation
Please bring corn startch & 2 Lg or 3 Reg Cans Whipped Cream - 1 hour will be given
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TUESDAY - Marshmellows & Reg Size Candy Canes - Donation
Please bring marshmellows and Reg Size Candy Canes for 35 people - 2 hours will be given
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TUESDAY - Christmas Themed Hot Cups and Napkins - Donation
Please bring 35 Christmas Themed Cups and Napkins. - 2 hours will be given
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8:00am - 9:30am
WEDNESDAY - Help Set-Up Party - Time
Help Mr. Alcala prepare and serve hot chocolate to the 8th grade class. 1.5 hours will be given
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Contact the event organizers: Goethals Myra