Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

1 - Valentine's Day Party

Tuesday, February 13 2018

Please help the 1st grade class celebrate Valentine's Day by bringing in the following items or by volunteering to set-up/clean-up at the party. Party will begin at 1:00.

8:00am - 8:00am
Please donate 3 tubs of white frosting to decorate 34 cookies.
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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Please donate Valentine themed sprinkles to cover 36 cookies.
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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Please donate 36 popscicle sticks for the kids to spread the frosting on the cookies.
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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Please donate 68 small Dixie cups.
Donation - 1 hour will be given.
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12:30pm - 12:30pm
Please donate 36 plain heart shaped cookies.
Donation - 3 hours will be given
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Please donate 36 small water bottles
Donation - 1 hour will be given
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Please donate 3 Valentine themed table cloths.
Donation - 1 hour will be given.
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Please donate 36 Valentine themed plates and napkins.
Donation - 2 hours will be given.
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12:30pm - 2:00pm
Please volunteer to help set-up and clean-up at the party
Time/Volunteer - 1.5 hours will be given
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Contact the event organizers: Goethals Myra