Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

2 - Thanksgiving Party

Wednesday, November 22 2017

Please help the 2nd grade celebrate by volunteering to set-up/clean-up or by bringing the following items to the party. Hours will be given (see description below)

9:40am - 9:40am
Thanksgiving Theme Snack- Please bring in 1 large Costco sized pie (12" or 15" round)
Donation - 1 hour will be given
3 / 3
35 bottles of water (small bottles are perfect)
Donation - 1 hour will be given
1 / 1
Thanksgiving Themed Plates & Napkins for 35 kids.
Donation - 2 hours will be given
1 / 1
Thanksgiving Themed Plates & Forks for 35 kids.
Donation - 2 hours will be given
1 / 1
9:40am - 11:30am
Volunteer - 1 hour will be given
1 / 2

Contact the event organizers: Kramer Keathley Clare