School Wide - SFDS Parish Adult Choir
Sunday, December 15 2019
Please volunteer to be part of the St. Francis de Sales Parish Adult Choir or The Folk Choir
A maximum of 10 hours will be given towards the mandatory school required service hours.
SFDS Parish Adult choir - Sunday 10am masses, September 2021-June 2022. (10 service hours)
- signup is contingent upon application and audition by Jeannine Wagner. (
SFDS Parish Folk choir- Saturday 5pm masses September 2021-June 2022 (10 service hours)
-signup is contingent upon application and audition by Patti Mabie (
SFDS Parish Adult choir - Sunday 10am masses, September 2028-June 2019. - signup is contingent upon application and audition by Jeannine Wagner. (
A maximum of 10 hours will be given
SFDS Parish Folk choir- Saturday 5pm masses September 2018-June 2019 -signup is contingent upon application and audition by Patti Mabie (
A maximum of 10 hours
Contact the event organizers: Goethals Myra
Confirm Password
Last Name *
First Name *
Phone Number
Message to Organizer