Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

8 - Graduation Party

Friday, May 29 2020

Please help plan for the 8th grade graduation dance.

8:00am - 8:00am
Food Donation: 4 each Gold Fish Cartons. Please drop off items in the 8th grade classroom by 8am on Friday, 5/29. 2 cartons = 1 service hour
2 cartons = 1 service hour
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Food Donation: 1 case of small bottled water purchased from Costco. Need a total of 140 small water bottles. 140 waters = 1.5 service hours. Please drop off items in the 8th grade classroom by 8am on Friday, 5/29.
140 small bottled water = 1.5 service hours
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Food Donation: 12 liters of Yellow Minute Maid Lemonade. 4 liters = 1 service hour. Please drop off items in the 8th grade classroom by 8am on Friday, 5/29.
4 liters of Yellow Minute Maid Lemonade = 1 service hour
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Food Donation: 40 small individual size bags of Lays Potato Chips sold at Costco or Smart n' Final. 40 each chips = 1 service hour. Please drop off items in the 8th grade classroom by 8 am on Wednesday, 5/27
40 each Lays potato chips = 1 service hour
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Item Donation: 100 each of 6oz plastic cups. 100 cups = 1 service hour. Please drop off item in the 8th grade classroom at 8am on Friday, 5/29
100 ea. 6 oz plastic cups = 1 service hour
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Item Donation: 50 each white napkins and 50 each white, sturdy paper plates. 50 each napkins and 50 each sturdy, white paper plates = 1 service hour. Please drop off items in the 8th grade classroom at 8am on Friday, 5/29
50 each white napkins and 50 each sturdy white paper plates = 1 service hour.
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10:30pm - 10:30pm
Service Hours Opportunity Clean Up Crew
Service Hours Clean Up Crew : Minimum of 6 parents to clean up the gym after the Grad Dance with Ms. Melich and Mrs. Goethals. Clean up includes sweeping, taking down decorations and making the gym look like new. Clean up = 2 service hours Clean up crew = 2 service hours
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Team of 6 to set up/organize/decorate/purchase for the 8th grade Dance on being held on Friday, 5/29, in the gym. Only 1/2 of the gym gets decorated. Once team is formed, a meeting will be held to discuss theme and budget with Ms. Melich. Service hours will be determined by logged hours and receipts.
Volunteer hours will be based upon time spent, or items donated, items purchased will be reimbursed within budget guidelines.
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Contact the event organizers: Goethals Myra