7 - Thanksgiving Party with the 8th Grade Class
Tuesday, November 26 2019
We will be celebrating Thanksgiving with the 8th grade class.
The schedule of events is as follows:
Mass - 8:15-9:15
Homeroom - 9:15-9:40
Recess - 9:40 - 10:00
"Ice Breaker" / "Get to know you" surveys 10:00-10:30
10:30ish - Pizza!
Classes will split up at approximately 10:45 - the 7th grade will return to class to work on activities related to the Knights of Columbus Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. Before 12:00 noon dismissal, pie and cider will be devoured.
Thank you for volunteering!
10:00am - 10:00am
8 bottles of Martinelli's Apple Cider - Donation
Please bring 8 bottles of Martinelli's Apple Cider. 2 hours will be given.
Pumpkin Pies - Donation 1 hour will be given
Please donate 2 large pumpkin pies from Costco - 1 hour will be given
Whipped cream -
Please donate 4 cans of Whipped cream - 1 hours will be given
10:00am - 12:00pm
A volunteer to help set-up and clean-up at the party. 7th grade will also have volunteers present - Time
Please arrive by 10 am to help with the Thanksgiving party. Joel will set out the tables and chairs but we will need volunteers to set out the tablecloths, plates and pizza. Pie will be served at appx. 11:30 - please help serve and clean up - 2 hours will be given.
Contact the event organizers: Goethals Myra
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