School Wide - Art Class
Sunday, December 15 2019
Please assist Mrs. Brady in setting up the art room (setting up art materials), assisting studying with assigned project and help clean up. Middle school art classes the last class of the day. The time required is 1.40-2.40. NO ART EXPERIENCE NECESSARRY! Please contact Mrs. Kate Brady if you have specific questions. SFDS is requesting a yearlong commitment to the day and time selected. We understand life gets in the way, if you can't make on of your classes just let Mrs. Brady know in advance. You do not have to have a student in middle school to volunteer.
1:40pm - 2:40pm
Monday (7th grade) Art room assistant
setting up the art room (pouring paint, etc), assisting studying with assigned project and help clean up
Tuesday (8th grade) Art room assistant
setting up the art room (pouring paint, etc), assisting studying with assigned project and help clean up
Friday (6th grade) Art room assistant
setting up the art room (pouring paint, etc), assisting studying with assigned project and help clean up
Contact the event organizers: Goethals Myra
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