Let's Relax and Wine together.
Tuesday, November 24 2020
Do you pair well with wine? You can help your friends fill their wine cellars. The next time you are at the grocery store or ordering online, please add a couple extra wine bottles to donate.
Minimum value at $25 per bottle (we will use the Vivino app to check retail value).
Please bring in your donation to the school office by 11/24.
All donations will be used in the December Online Auction to help the Scholarship Fund.
Each $25 bottle is equivalent to 1 hour. These hours will be counted towards your Scholarship hours requirement.
$25+ Wine Bottle Donation
December online auction Wine bottle donation to help the SFDS Scholarship Fund
$50+ Wine Bottle Donation
$50+ donation for December online auction Wine bottle donation to help the SFDS Scholarship Fund
Contact the event organizers: Goethals Myra
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Last Name *
First Name *
Phone Number
Message to Organizer