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Silent Auction -- SFDS Bulldog Weekend

Monday, May 03 2021

SFDS Bulldog Weekend is right around the corner and we will have the Best Silent Auction yet, but we need your help! A lot of opportunities to volunteer (and get hours) so please read carefully and check out the various dates on the calendar.

Live Auction Lead
We need an energetic person to organize the Live Auction. 10 hours given
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Live Auction Helper
Help the Live Auction Lead prepare for the Live Auction. 4 hours given
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Live Auction Slideshow
Create a slideshow using Bulldog Weekend photos to show on the 5/3 Live Auction. 4 hours given
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Silent Auction Volunteers
We need volunteers for help with pick-up. 3 hours between 5/4-5/8. exact date and time TBD
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Contact the event organizers: Killion Jill/Brandon