4th Grade - Open House
Friday, January 01 2021
Let's show everyone how lovely, comfortable and special SFDS is for their Family at our SFDS Open House following the 10:00 AM Mass on Sunday, 1/30.
Note: The SFDS Kitchen is off-limits for supplies for this event. Trays, baskets, serving utensils, knives, vases and anything else you may think you will need, should be brought from home. All donations should be brought to the tables where you are setting up outside before Mass begins.
Thanks You for your continued help & support!
Please log under 4th grade
9:30am - 9:30am
Coffee Traveler - Regular
1 Coffee traveler and all the sides that come with it please. 1 service hour
Tablecloth & flowers
1 blue plastic tablecloth along with 2 flowers bouquets in a vase to place on the tables. 1 service hour
Mini Bagels
3 dozen individually packaged mini bagels and individual serving of cream cheese with plastic knife. 3 service hours
Contact the event organizers: Killion Jill/Brandon
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