Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Kinder International Day

Tuesday, April 05 2022

Please help the Kindergarten class by bringing items to eat or decorate the Kinder International Estonia booth for International Day at SFDS.

Please have food items to the class by 3pm on Tuesday, April 5. See TIF for another opportunity on Wednesday, April 6.

Let the room parents know of any questions. For the Amazon orders, please order right away to make sure they arrive on time.

*Log hours under Kindergarten*

3:00pm - 3:00pm
Kringel - Babka Bread
5-6 loafs of “Kringel” —> aka Babka bread from Trader Joes. Should be enough for 400 people to take a bite = 1 service hour
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Soufflé Paper Cups
Please donate 500 (2) oz soufflé paper cups https://www.amazon.com/1-25oz-250ct-Treated-Measuring-Medicine-Compostable/dp/B07KDMT6GS/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2DH6BJF8KPDW6&keywords=(2)%2Boz%2Bsoufflé%2Bpaper%2Bcups&qid=1648608651&sprefix=2%2Boz%2Bsoufflé%2Bpaper%2Bcups%2Caps%2C232&sr=8-3&th=1 = 1 service hour
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500 Estonian flag toothpicks https://www.amazon.com/Toothpick-Flags-International-Toothpicks-Cocktail/dp/B07N14DFFG/ref=sr_1_46?crid=3VB4JKO4524IN&keywords=Estonian+flag+toothpicks&qid=1648613006&sprefix=estonian+flag+toothpicks+%2Caps%2C263&sr=8-46 = 1 service hour
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Contact the event organizers: Antonio Catherine/Jeff