Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Retirement Luncheon

Monday, June 13 2022

Some of our favorites will be relaxing at home, on the beach, or near the mountains!!

Please help us with a few donations and or your time on Monday, 6/13 to help celebrate Mrs Clark, Ms Ana & Ms. Maggie

Please log under PTAC

8:00am - 8:00am
Capri Sun
4 boxes of Capri Sun (any flavor) = 1 hour
1 / 1
Clear plates
60 clear lunch size plates (7 inch, or close as you can get) = 1 hour
1 / 1
2 cases of water. Please bring to the kitchen, labeled "Retirement Party" (each $25 = 1 hour)
2 / 2
Balloon Bouquets
3 Balloon bouquets: each bouquet to be a total of 10 balloons (3 gold, 5 blue, 2 white) -- (each $25 = 1 hour)
0 / 1
10:30am - 12:30pm
2 volunteers needed June 13th from 10:30-12:30 for set up = 2 hours for each volunteer
2 / 2
1:30pm - 3:30pm
2 volunteers needed June 13th from 1:30-3:30 for clean up = 2 hours for each volunteer
1 / 2

Contact the event organizers: Howse Meredith