Harvest Festival - Silent Auction
Monday, October 03 2022
Silent Auction is ready and excited to receive fantastic items for the most special Harvest Festival in the Valley!
$25 Donation = 1 service hour -- (Donation Form Attached)
Reminder -- 4 scholarship hours required by each family
Please drop off donations to the school office by October 3rd. Donations must be accompanied by the attached donation form.
Please log all hours for this event under Scholarship
Examples include: Casa Vega, Boneyard Bistro, Taisho, Casita, Augustine Wine Bar, Laurel Tavern, Forman's Tavern, Mister O's, Pace, Jon & Vinny's CPK or any of your other favorite local restaurants
Examples include: Dodger's, LA King's, LA Clipper's, LA Rams, Disneyland, universal Studios, AMC, Regal Cinema, any other Sporting Events or Theme Parks
Treat Yourself
Examples include: Hair Salon, Nail Salon, Burke Williams, Squeeze, Dry Bar, Soto Boutique, Fitness Memberships/Passes, or any other your favorite Retail Shops
Contact the event organizers: Dussinger Lauren & Craig
Confirm Password
Last Name *
First Name *
Phone Number
Message to Organizer