Harvest Fest 50/50 Raffle
Saturday, October 15 2022
Hoot and Holler to help us raise some extra $$$....
We need extra helpers to raise Scholarship Funds by selling 50/50 tickets at the Harvest Festival. This volunteer opportunity allows you to still experience the Festival and mix and mingle all while earning hours!
Please log under Scholarship...
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Adult -- 50/50 Sales
Please contact Alejandra when you arrive and we’ll meet at the science lab.
Student Volunteers
When students arrive, they can ask for Alejandra (310.351.1886) and meet at the science lab.
Students will tear the tickets and put them into the drum
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Adult -- 50/50 Sales
Please contact Alejandra when you arrive and we’ll meet at the science lab.
Student Volunteers
When students arrive, they can ask for Alejandra (310.351.1886) and meet at the science lab.
Students will tear the tickets and put them into the drum
Contact the event organizers: Kiernan Alejandra
Confirm Password
Last Name *
First Name *
Phone Number
Message to Organizer