Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Kinder Field Trip

Friday, March 08 2024

Description: We will be going on a Field Trip to the Wildlife Learning Center this Friday, March 8th!

The first 4 people to sign up on TIF - if you haven’t chaperoned a previous field trip, you will get hours. All parents are welcome to attend.

Children and teachers only will be riding the bus. All parents, including chaperones, may follow in their cars (carpooling is always a good idea)!

The class will be leaving school between 8:00 and 8:15, and departing the Wildlife Learning Center to head to Beeman Park for lunch. Then, they will be going back to school and dismissed as usual at 2:50.

5 hours given. Log under Kinder

8:00am - 2:30pm
Parent Volunteer
Chaperone Field Trip
4 / 4

Contact the event organizers: Fitzmorris Suzanne/Jude