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3rd Grade - Pi Day

Thursday, March 14 2024

Thursday, March 14 (3.14) we will be celebrating Pi Day with the students! They will learn about Pi and eat pie! Please deliver all items the science lab the morning of 3/14 by 8 a.m.

$25=1 hour Please email your receipt to your room mom for hours

Please log service hours under 3rd grade

8:00am - 8:00am
Please bring in 2 whole pies (a whole pie can be fruit, cream, chocolate, or even a pizza)
2 / 2
Paper Goods, pie cutter or knife & Waters
Please provide 40 of each plates, forks, napkins, and 8oz water bottles. And one pie cutter or knife
1 / 1
8:30am - 9:30am
Parent Volunteer
Help with cutting and serving. Meet in the science lab 1 hour
1 / 1

Contact the event organizers: Killion Jill/Brandon