Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Fullerton Recreational Riders - Gymkhana

Saturday, March 08 2025

Assist with multiple tasks during the horse show, possibly including snack shop support, field maintenance, setup, cleanup, etc. The monthly horse show is on between Mar and Sep, weather permitting.

What is Gymkhana? Gymkhana is timed obstacle racing on horseback. It’s one of the most exciting family oriented equestrian sports in the world. Fullerton Recreational Riders follow the rules and regulations for Gymkhana shows established by California State Horseman’’s Association. See website for more details : https://fullertonrecriders.org/gymkhana-news/

Location: Equestrian center at Laguna Lake Park - 3120 Lakeview Drive Fullerton CA 92835
Check-in: Go to the snack bar and ask for Lori.

On Site Contact: Lori Griego 562-457-7650 shows@fullertonrecriders.org
SLOBS Liaison: Janice Kearney: janicekearney@yahoo.com 714-936-6271

Dress Code: SLOBs T-Shirt & Closed-toed shoes. Sunscreen, hat, or sunglasses are optional.

Shifts have varying times. Please log actual hours worked, rounded to nearest half-hour

Minimum hours earned: 2. Please log your hours at the event site using the Track It Forward mobile app, rounding to the nearest half an hour. For example, working 2 hours 15 minutes allows for logging of 2.5 hours.

We are transitioning to digital sign-in and time log! All SLOBs volunteers and liaisons are encouraged to download the Track It Forward (TIF) mobile app before attending the event. To download the app to your mobile device:

1. Search for “TrackItForward” in App Store or Google Play. The app might be called “Volunteer Time Tracking” instead. The developer is named OurVolts, LLC. The logo is in green color, in a shape similar to a tree. (See the image attached.)
2. After downloading, search for an organization named Fullerton Service League of Boys.
3. Log in using your login credentials for Track It Forward.
4. Opt in for text messaging and input your cell number if you wish to receive event reminders and communication via text. (This is very helpful to those who don’t read emails daily.)
5. Sign up for a current or future event on TIF mobile app if you have not signed up yet.
6. After arriving at the event location on the day of event, please open the mobile app and select Hour Log from the main menu. On the form, choose “Add Verifications” at the bottom, then choose “Verifications: GPS” to provide your location. (Note: Digital Hour Log must be done at the event site. If the GPS pin is showing a location other than the event site, the service hours you logged may be reduced.)
7. Hour log: If you arrive on time at the event, you may log the greater of two hours or the ACTUAL hours worked at this event, rounded to the nearest half hour. If you fail to show up to volunteer, please remove your signup in Track It Forward within 3 days after the event date.
8. If you are asked to do a paper sign-in at an event, please do so anyway. The paper sign-in might be required by our philanthropy partners and/or SLOBs liaisons for verification purposes.
9. To cancel an event signup or log hours after the date of the event, please do not use the mobile app; instead, visit website using an Internet browser, www.TrackItForward.com, log into your account, and cancel or log hours from there.

7:30am - 11:30am
Adult or youth volunteer
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11:30am - 2:30pm
Adult or youth volunteers
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Contact the event organizers: Debbie Herdrich