Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Donation Drive: Radiant Futures Teen Birthday Gifts

Sunday, May 04 2025

SLOBs will be hosting a donation drive at our 5/4/25 meeting to benefit Radiant Futures. Unwrapped birthday gifts may be dropped off at the front table when you check in in person at the check-in table. On the paper sign in, you must write the number of donation(s) and the name of donor, which will be used to verify the hours logged in Track It Forward.

***You may donate more than 1 Birthday Gift, but only a max of 2 volunteer hours will be granted per SLOBs member/mentor per SLOB year***

Please see the attached flyer for TEEN birthday gift ideas. The list is below for convenience as well:
Bluetooth Speakers
Water Bottle (Yeti, Hydro Flask, Stanley)
Makeup Bag
Make Up and Skin Care Kits
Sports Equipment
Yoga Mat
Instant Film Camera and Film
Gift Cards (Amazon, Starbucks, Target, etc.)
Portable Phone Chargers (for Apple and Type C)
Art Supplies
Coloring Books or Sketchbooks

Radiant Futures Liaison: Annik Ramsey, c) 714.393.0927


*Each member who brings a donation to a meeting will receive ½ hour service credit. If parent and son bring 2 donations, each may log ½ hour. If parent and son bring only one donation, it is up to them to choose which one receives the ½ hour.

*Please check your donation in at the front entrance table with the SLOBs representative. After the meeting, each member who has brought 1 or more donation should log in 1/2 hour per donation.

*Minimum Volunteer Hours Requirements:
Boys – 10 hours/year
Parents – 5 hours/year
Up to two hours of donation credit (in one SLOBs calendar year) can be applied to each member’s minimum hour requirement.

If you have questions regarding SLOBs donation rules, please contact Annik Ramsey, the SLOBs liaison.

4:00pm - 4:30pm

Contact the event organizers: Annik Ramsey