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Pathways of Hope Hygiene Kit Donation Drive

Tuesday, October 15 2024

SLOBs will be hosting a donation drive at our 10/15/24 meeting to benefit Pathways of Hope. Hygiene kits may be dropped off at the front table next to the check-in table.

***You may donate more than 1 hygiene kit, but only a max of 30 minutes of volunteer hours will be granted per SLOBs member per donation drive***

Please include an assortment of the following items for your hygiene kit:

• Water bottle
• Socks & beanie caps (adult sizes)
• Tuna (pop top canned meat) and crackers
• Granola bar or cereal bar
• Fruit snack or applesauce cup
• Crackers with peanut butter or cheese
• Gift certificate to fast food
• Hand wipes and hand sanitizer
• Lotion
• Band Aids
• Chapstick
• Sunscreen, sun hat, sunglasses
• Comb or small brush
• Shampoo/conditioner
• Pack of facial tissues
• Maxi pads/tampons
• Toothbrush and toothpaste
• Can opener
• Mints, cough drops or gum

Now you are ready to assemble! Assemble enough items to fill a large Ziploc bag, cinch sack or small backpack.
SLOBs/POH Liaison: Annik Ramsey, c) 714.393.0927


*Each member who brings a donation to a meeting will receive ½ hour service credit. If parent and son bring 2 donations, each may log ½ hour. If parent and son bring only one donation, it is up to them to choose which one receives the ½ hour.

*Please check your donation in at the front entrance table with the SLOBs representative. After the meeting, each member who has brought a donation should log in 1/2 hour credit.

*Minimum Volunteer Hours Requirements:
Boys – 10 hours/year
Parents – 5 hours/year
Up to two hours of donation credit (in one SLOBs calendar year) can be applied to each member’s minimum hour requirement.

If you have questions regarding SLOBs donation rules, please contact Annik Ramsey, the SLOBs liaison.

7:00pm - 7:30pm

Contact the event organizers: Annik Ramsey