Monthly Clean Up
Saturday, February 18 2017
Each month we choose a specific location to clean up. It will vary between trash pick up and a beautification project.
This month we will be cleaning up trash along Garden Ridge and Spinks. We will meet at the Hound Mound, Flower Mound's Dog Park, and will walk along Garden Ridge to Spinks. We will also go along the trail that runs from Garden Ridge to Baker's Field.
If you have not done so previously please complete the attached hold harmless form and bring or email to us at
Contact the event organizers: Marilyn Lawson
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
If you are part of a group: Business/Group Name
Phone Number *
Please list special skills - ie. construction, computer, .... *
Type of Volunteer - Adopt A Spot, Community Service, Honor Society, Group (list group name), Individual ...
If Adopt A Spot please name location adopted
If Community Service - list total hours needed
If Community Service - List Offense
If Community Service - list county & name of probation officer or “Deferred adjudication”
If Community Service - list E-Mail for probation officer
Message to Organizer