KFMB Lend A Hand Projects
Saturday, November 17 2018
We conduct a work day the third Saturday of each month. This month we are going to help two homeowners in Flower Mound.
One of the homeowners needs help removing stones from a fallen retaining wall and putting in his backyard
The other homeowner needs help cleaning up her front and back yard, which includes removing lots of debris, trimming bushes, and mowing (we need a lawnmower)
Please email if you are interested in helping and we will provide you with the address.
Contact the event organizers: Keep Flower Mound Beautiful
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
If you are part of a group: Business/Group Name
Phone Number *
Please list special skills - ie. construction, computer, .... *
Type of Volunteer - Adopt A Spot, Community Service, Honor Society, Group (list group name), Individual ...
If Adopt A Spot please name location adopted
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScJ6VIQKqf7IhdEK2yL-RRMn7uR0TzDB-v6G_djqhe8atGI_w/viewform *
If Community Service - list total hours needed
If Community Service - List Offense
If Community Service - list county & name of probation officer or “Deferred adjudication”
If Community Service - list E-Mail for probation officer
Message to Organizer