2-3 Miles of Trail Building - Saturday, February 25, 2017
Saturday, February 25 2017
Following our Concept Plan you helped produce in 2013, we’ll be building 2-3 miles of new trail off Borton’s Road, starting Saturday, February 25th. We’ll meet at 8:30am. Please track your volunteer hours. Food and drinks will be provided. Sunday, February 26th's trail build will start the same time same place.
Here's the overall schedule and type of work we will be doing this Saturday and Sunday:
---Drive into the dirt section of Borton’s Road and park along the south side of the road single file. Then walk to the staging area.
---Our staging area (on the north side of the road) will have 3-4 tents. They'll be visible from the paved section of Borton’s Road (those coming from Hopewell Road). We’re staging where the Blue Trail meets Borton’s Road. (I believe Don has it pinned perfectly on the map.)
---FBRP will provide: gloves, safety glasses, loppers/clippers, brush saws, McLeods, Pulaskis, and we have some rakes. People can bring their own gloves/glasses if they like.
---8:30 Sign-in/Check in (making sure all have signed waivers, etc.) coffee and donuts, Welcome and overview of project and organization of working teams.
---8:45 Jay will provide a risk management talk and demonstration of tool use (McLeods and Pulaskis), then break into Teams. Six team leaders will be identified for the group.
---9:00 Teams (5-6 people) will consist of two (2) people using the heavier McLeods/Pulaskis to do the initial 32” clearing along a pin flagged section of trail. They will be followed by 3-4 people using loppers, light leaf rakes/heavy bow rakes. They will be fine tuning the trail clipping huckleberry flat to ground and raking away leaf and clipping litter. Each group will have one brush saw for large down trees.
-------Note: PLEASE -- if you have light rakes and bow rakes, bring them along (be sure to label them with your name). Also, bring their own/labeled water bottles. We’ll have extra water for refills.
---We have six (6) Team Leaders who will bring their teams to six different sections of flagged trail.
---12:00/Noon FBRP will provide sandwiches/drinks/snacks.
---1:00-4:00 Back to trail building! :-)
NOTE: You must sign the waiver in order to participate: https://www.smartwaiver.com/v/trailbuild/
Contact the event organizers: Kelly Kirk