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December Hot Dog Lunch Donations

Monday, December 02 2024

Donations are needed for Thursday Hot Dog Lunch that raises money for the St. Stephen School Athletic Association. For every $20 spent in donation items you will receive 1 volunteer hour. Donations can be dropped off to Miss P or to the office, just please label them "Hot Dog Lunch". Donations are due by Monday December 2nd. Thank you!

50 Individual Bags of Doriitos
One large box of 50 individual bags of Doritos. Sold at BJs or Wholesale Store.
1 / 2
50 Tastycake Chocolate Cupcakes
Boxes of Tastycake Chocolate Cupcakes, Individually Wrapped to total approximately 50.
0 / 2
Gatorade - Cool Blue Flavor 12 pack
Sold at Wal Mart or Grocery Stores
5 / 5

Contact the event organizers: Lauren Yankolonis