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Crossroads EGGstravaganza

Saturday, April 08 2023

Understand that this is not a religious event, nor is it an Egg Hunt. But because people of many different faiths traditionally use eggs in their observances, this seems the perfect time of year to learn about the eggs of birds. We start by viewing several remarkable videos about chick development. Then we do our Eggs-periments. Families will have hands-on (or actually hands-in) opportunities in oology – the science of eggs. Learners of all ages will crack, break, and throw eggs, and even (yes, this is part of the tradition) drop them out the window from the upper level of the Collins Learning Center. Each family will dissect an unfertilized egg in the lab of the Collins Learning Center before going outside to toss raw eggs.

2:00pm - 4:00pm
Program Assistant
Work with our naturalist and program director t help make this event smooth and eggciting!
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Contact the event organizers: Corey Batson