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Photographer: DCMGA - “Planning and Planting for Seed Saving”

Wednesday, May 17 2023

Proper garden planning in the spring means a successful seed harvest in the fall! Learn how to properly plant your seed garden with author and seed saver Bevin Cohen. He will cover important topics such as spacing and isolation distances to ensure varietal purity, flower structure, pollination and basic seed saving equipment and techniques. Bevin will also share some of his favorite varieties for beginning seed savers, some interesting and different crops to try and information about pollinator partner plants.

Please upload any photos you take through our submission form at https://forms.gle/8RiKjLSpaPymofj99

6:30pm - 8:00pm
Event Photographer
Come take photos of our event so we can share them in the future
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Contact the event organizers: Corey Batson