Program Assistant: Junior Nature Club
Friday, November 03 2023
Crossroads does a lot of educational programming and we can always use a helping hand to ensure these programs go well. Program assistants help staff set up, run and tear down after the events we are hosting. Work could include the following:
--Moving tables and chairs
--Preparing craft materials
--Guiding people to classrooms, bathrooms, or other locations
--Lighting and maintaining campfires
--Taking event photos
--Teaching people how to use outdoor equipment
--Other tasks requested by Crossroads staff
9:30am - 11:30am
Program Assistance
Help us set up for Junior Nature Club, assist families with activities or crafts, and take photos when needed.
Contact the event organizers: Corey Batson
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Address *
Volunteering Interests *
Do you want to help with Community Science?
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