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Program Assistant: Sunrise Elementary Winter Experience

Monday, January 29 2024

Crossroads will be hosting classes from Sunrise Elementary to provide them a fun and educational experience while their teachers get a half day to plan and work on their classroom needs. We could use one or two people to help with the activities Crossroads will be offering these students. Class group rotations will be roughly 30 minutes so the activity we do will be focused on one single activity.

Crossroads does a lot of educational programming and we can always use a helping hand to ensure these programs go well. Program assistants help staff set up, run and tear down after the events we are hosting. Work could include the following:
--Moving tables and chairs
--Preparing craft materials
--Guiding people to classrooms, bathrooms, or other locations
--Lighting and maintaining campfires
--Taking event photos
--Teaching people how to use outdoor equipment
--Other tasks requested by Crossroads staff

12:00pm - 2:00pm
Assistant Naturalist
Help Crossroads Staff lead and activity with the students.
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Contact the event organizers: Corey Batson