Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Snack Shack Shifts

Wednesday, May 31 2023

Calling all volunteers, we need your help with the snack shack! Without your help we can’t make the snack shack work – thank you so much for volunteering!

Students aged 14-17 are also eligible to volunteer in the Snack Shack when signed up with an adult volunteer. They can use the time worked towards their community service hours or be paid $15/hr.

Teen Volunteer/Paid work falls under the following guidelines:
• Teenage workers can only sign up with an accompanying adult. This can be a parent, grandparent, etc. aged 21 or older
• Adults must work entire shift with their teenage volunteer(s). At no time can the teen be unaccompanied in the snack shack
• Any paid teenage volunteer can work a maximum of 10 hrs. a month - this does not apply to volunteer hours
• Teenagers cannot be paid AND receive community service/volunteer hours; it must be one or the other

Snack shack shifts are in 2–3-hour increments & count towards your volunteer fee reimbursement. Shifts at start/end of day include set-up/takedown duties & tend to be longer. Please arrive at least 5 min early to get associated with the shack & the register.

Curious about what we do there? Please see the attached document for a brief break-down of some duties. You can always pop by the shack during any shift & see what goes into making it run. Once you’re behind the counter it’s a lot of fun!

Questions? Please reach out to Jessica Lewis at Jessica.lewis@petalumanational.org or (707) 695-2786

5:00pm - 7:45pm
Snack Shack Shift
2 / 3

Contact the event organizers: Gabriella St. Clair