North Georgia Marching Band Championship at South Forsyth HS
Saturday, October 28 2023
This is a band competition at South Forsyth High School, about one hour from FB. Chaperones must ride the bus to and from the event. Chaperones will help: students with uniforms before departure and plumes at the event; assist with equipment as needed; guard band "stuff" in stands. Chaperones will sit among the students in the stands while other bands perform. Meals are BYO or concessions. Equipment crew can ride the buses or drive separately.
NOTE: Times are tentative as we wait for Miguel to release the FBHS performance time and schedule. We have a home game on Friday night before this competition.
7:30am - 10:30pm
Travel on buses
Contact the event organizers: Mary Wieland
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
My hours support (student name)
Student Section
Message to Organizer