Kaleidoscope Concert Awards Ceremony Food
Thursday, May 02 2024
Bring a dessert, appetizer or drink to our year end awards ceremony as we also enjoy the sounds of our Jazz Band and Steel Drum Band in our kaleidoscope concert.
6:30pm - 7:00pm
Earns .5 hour service hours towards 2023-2024 season for each sign up. Each sign up should serve 15 people.
Earns .5 hour service hours towards 2023-2024 season for each sign up. Each sign up should serve 15 people.
Earns .5 hour service hours towards 2023-2024 season for each sign up. Each sign up should serve 15 people.
Contact the event organizers: Mary Wieland
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
My hours support (student name)
Student Section
Message to Organizer