Fall Work Day
Saturday, November 05 2016
RBR will hold its Semi-Annual Work Day on November 5th. We’ll begin our work day at 8:00 am in the Clubhouse with a breakfast spread including fresh coffee. Our Director of Grounds will have several projects, big and small, for us to work on. We’ll stop around 1:00 pm to have lunch in the picnic area compliments of RBR. It’s a good idea to bring gloves and some tools if you can. Remember to label anything you bring to ensure that you’ll get it back!
PLEASE NOTE: The event runs from 8 am to 1 pm, but no one is expected to work the entire 5 hours (unless you choose to). There are many jobs, big and small, so please come and pitch in when and where you can--it all makes a difference!
If you can’t make the work day you’ll need to either make an opt-out donation (http://rosebowlriders.org/semi-annual-work-days) or get a job assignment (rosebowlriders_info@yahoo.com) to do on your own time.
Here's a list of some of the jobs we plan to tackle on Saturday:
· Paint any chipped/peeling/faded bleacher seats and picnic tables/benches (green)
· Paint the new boards on the historic barn (gray)
· Trim up Calif. Pepper trees around lower ring and upper oval
· Spread mulch (provided by the City, distributed by Walt) in planter areas + on mare motel bridle path
· If allowed, remove some of the dead small trees/ shrubs around the property
· Pick up rocks in the arena(s)
· Weed around edges of main arena, guest stalls, and on slope
· Add shade cloth over the outdoor clubhouse sink area
· Clear the clubhouse roof valleys of leaves and debris so they flow during rain
· Clean out water heater cabinet by clubhouse
· Add boards around the round pen to keep the sand retained
Contact the event organizers: ADMIN - Rose Bowl Riders