Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup

Saturday, March 11 2023

Adopt-a-Highway is a free program for the public to volunteer to clean up a 1.4-mile stretch of local state highway. Cleanups are conducted monthly and reported to California DOT. . ASCENDtials has adopted the 75 highway on Pomona Avenue on Coronado island. We will provide safety equipment, trash grabbers, and bags for the day of the cleanups for all volunteers.

Our volunteers are scheduled once they book the day for the service, which will be available below via our scheduling service and through Eventbrite. If you’d like to book the enter cleanup for your group, please reach out by email at cleanups@ascendtials.org a few weeks before the actual cleanup to reserve your space. Cleanups are during the mornings on Saturdays and Sundays, according to scheduled dates on the calendar or by contacting us for your own group session. For those wanting to become a member and have unlimited access to cleanups, please follow the instructions below to sign up as a volunteer, then the schedule link is made available to search datessearch dates. Typically, the cleanups happen the third week of the month, and are ongoing until the end of the year! We look forward to connecting with you soon! Let’s keep our streets clean!

9:15am - 11:00am
Litter cleanup
Cleaning our adopted highway in Coronado, on Rte75 from the Coronado hotel down the mile stretch on both North and Southbound sides.
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Contact the event organizers: Mika