KOSMelaninology™ BOOK CLUB
Tuesday, April 25 2023
ASCENDtials is partnering with rameses "r3sh" setekh to bring us a new book to discover this year. “The High Desert '' by James Spooner will be open for discussion in a community on zoom and in person designed to share insight.
Part I is a discussion of chapters I-7. With a breakdown of historical relevance until "present" (specific regard to the literature). (March 28th)
Part 2 is an open discussion of chapters 8- 12. Epilogue will be a conversation w/the author and a short open communication after. (April 25th)
Much of our understanding of Afro-ancestored and/or melanation in punk is missing or missing significant elements. "The High Desert" gives context to much of our involvement in Black punk & Nerd-dom, while sharing a nuclear feeling we all go through as youth finding our voice. Learning the truth about relevant cultural and historical aspects; specifically related to our culture is a bonus we rarely get.
Contact the event organizers: Mika