Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

DONATIONS needed for - Theater Shows

Monday, November 04 2024

DONATIONS needed for - St. Joan of Arc - Please bring donation - CLEARLY MARKED "Theater/DRAMA" and receipt attached, to the school office no later than 11/05/2024

Donation of drinks
Case of Coca-Cola
1 / 5
Donation of drinks
Case of Diet Coke
0 / 5
Donation of drinks
Case of Sprite/7UP
0 / 5
Donation of drinks
Case of Any other kind of soda
0 / 5
Donation of drinks
Case of water bottles
1 / 10
Donation of snacks
Variety Box of individual chips https://www.smartandfinal.com/shop/product/frito-lay-classic-mix-variety-pack/2363528
3 / 5
Donation of snacks
Variety Box of individual cookies https://www.smartandfinal.com/shop/product/mondelez-nabisco-cookies/638322
3 / 5
Donation of snacks
Variety Box of full sized Candy Bars https://www.smartandfinal.com/shop/product/mars-m-ms-snickers-skittles-and-more-chocolate-candy-bars-bulk-full-size-fundraiser-candy/660369
1 / 10

Contact the event organizers: Linda Haskins, VPG Board