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Trunk or Treat - During Halloween Haunt - Donations Needed

Friday, October 27 2023

Donations needed for the Trunk or Treat - During Halloween Haunt on Friday October 27th, 2023.
Please bring your donations to the school office BY FRIDAY MORNING - 10/27/2023 by 9am - PLEASE
PLEASE LABEL "Trunk or Treat" and include your receipt for service hours
$30 receipt = one parent service hour - THANK YOU!!

Donation of GIFT CARD
$100 VISA gift card donation - for 4 service hours
1 / 1
Donation of GIFT CARD
$75 VISA gift card donation - for 3 service hours
1 / 1
Donation of GIFT CARD
$50 VISA gift card donation - for 2 service hours
1 / 1
Donation of Candy
Big bags of assorted Halloween Candy
11 / 20

Contact the event organizers: Michelle Nolte, Cassandra Jones