Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Volunteers Needed - Post-Casino event

Monday, February 12 2024

Volunteers needed for POST-EVENT linen assistance.
To be done at your own home.
Wash, fold, sort, organize, etc - table clothes, chair covers,

9:00am - 10:00am
Sort out and load tablecloths in your vehicle. Wash all items at your own home and return everything to PC as soon as possible.
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Sort out and load 100 chair covers in your vehicle. Wash all items at your own home and return everything to PC as soon as possible.
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Wash glasses, wash wine glasses, wash wine coolers, drink jugs, other items, etc
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Clean out coolers, pack tote bins, move totes to storage rooms, store drinks jugs, store leftover items, etc
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Contact the event organizers: VPG Board, Hazell Castaneda