SDTR Horse Show
Saturday, May 04 2019
SDTR's Spring Horse Show. Riders compete in groups in various classes from sitting trot/obstacles/horseketball and relays. Friends and families cheer our riders on from the sidelines. There is a judge and ribbons are awarded. We need volunteers to help get the horses ready starting at 8:00 a.m. The show starts at 9, we will have an hour break for lunch and then the show will resume after lunch.
The main volunteer need is for side walking and leading during the show. Even if you are only able to volunteer for a few hours, we can use you! (In order to be a leader during the show, you must have completed the leader training and have worked extensively in lessons as a leader.)
The horse show is a super fun event and a great opportunity to watch our riders show of the skills they work so hard for!
Contact the event organizers: Mary Anne