8th Grade - College Bound - Graduation Package
Wednesday, May 15 2024
We will be holding an on-line auction to raise funds for our Annual OLG Teacher Bonus. The Online Raffle will open on May 17th and conclude on May 22nd during our annual Volunteers and Teacher Appreciation Banquet. Auction winners will be announced and recognized at the end of this event. Each class will be putting together an auction "basket/package" for this online auction based on specific themes for each class. Please select the items you would like to donate toward your student's class theme and bring these items to school by Friday, April 26th so that the auction items can be put together, photographed and posted online for the auction. A service hour will be given for each item donated. Thank you!
Back Pack of school supplies
A backpack with pens, pencils, papers, notebooks, journals, scissors, clear tape, masking tape, tape dispenser, stapler, staples, holepuncher, sticky notes, etc. (Counts for 2 service hours)
Study Lamp
Plug in lamp with sockets to charge phone/computer
Mini Tool kit
Hammer, leatherman multi-tool, flashlight
First Aid Kits
container with bandages, pain-relief medicines, pepto bismol for stomach, IcyHot medicated patch, cough drops, emergen-C immune packets, etc.
Person to put together the items in a please way to display online and at the auction.
Contact the event organizers: Mr. David Augustini
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Full Name of Youngest Student *
Message to Organizer