Bleacher mover
Thursday, December 05 2024
We are looking for volunteers to meet at World Class gym in Hamilton on Thursday Dec. 5th at 6:00pm to load bleachers into the uhaul and then meet back at Maple to unload and set them up. The same volunteers are needed on Sunday after the qualifier to dismantle and take back to World Class and unload. VOLUNTEERS MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR BOTH DAYS AND TIMES.
*this will count as your full qualifier hours!
** volunteers must be able bodied. Please bring work gloves.
***Please put the name of person volunteering in the pop up "message to organizer" box
bleacher movers
meet at world class gym on Dec. 5th to load bleachers, follow uhaul back to Maple to unload and set up bleaachers. Do the same in reverse on Dec. 8th after qualifier.
Contact the event organizers:
Confirm Password
Parent First Name(s) *
Parent Last Name(s) *
Phone Number *
Gymnast Full Name *
Message to Organizer