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COSI after Dark @COSI

Thursday, February 08 2018

COSI hosts a monthly, 21+ event for adults called COSI After Dark. Typical attendance is between 1,000 - 2,000 people at these events, and they're a lot of fun. We will bring the floor curling set to engage people in an activity and some props for discussion (brooms, shoes, possibly one each of the small and intermediate stones.)

More information is here: https://www.cosi.org/adults/cosi-after-dark.

Per Alan Goss, "Covering how everything works together is going to be interesting to our guests, as I imagine most of them don’t have a lot of experience with curling. In particular, the “why” behind doing the different actions and how they impact the rocks’ movement. Feel free to use this as an opportunity to plug the Curling Club as well. We want this to benefit both of us."

COSI Contacts:
Joe Wood, Manager of COSI's After Dark program
Alan Goss, Manager of External Event Coordination

4:00pm - 6:00pm
Set up
6:00pm - 10:00pm
Rocks and Rings Activity
No experience necessary to assist. Mary will train!
Interact with guests

Contact the event organizers: Benjamin Campbell