Art & Craft Supply Sale
Saturday, September 07 2024
Julie Fonner and Jet Sletten are organizing the sale, and they will need your help with set-up on Saturday morning, take down Saturday afternoon and help at the sale, taking money or just keeping an eye on things.
Members are donating items to sell at our art supply sale - we need help setting up, selling and tearing down between 7:30am - 3pm.
Man the tables, collect cash, help customers bag up their treasures!
Sale hours are 8am - 2pm.
7:30am - 11:30am
Art Supply Sale Volunteers
Help set up and sell items on our patio and in the parking lot.
11:00am - 3:00pm
Art Supply Sale volunteer
Sell donated items, and help tear down at the end of the sale
Contact the event organizers: Mary Lou Arnold
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Last Name *
Phone Number
Message to Organizer