Invasives Removal at Huguenot Flatwater 10:00am-12:00pm
Wednesday, January 22 2025
Join the James River Park System's Invasive Species Management team in removing invasive plants and contributing to better quality of life for native species!
Leaders and registered volunteers will meet at 10am on scheduled Wednesday mornings at Huguenot Flatwater (eastern side of park, please carefully review location & directions). We will use hand pruners, loppers, and/or handsaws to remove large invasive vines from trees.
This project involves moderate to heavy physical exertion. Feel free to bring your own work gloves and non-electric tools. Otherwise, materials and instructions will be provided by JRPS staff.
Volunteer Responsibilities:
*Register to participate and receive updates about event.
*Arrive by the start time (10am). Stay until the end of event (12pm).
*Wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and sturdy closed-toe shoes.
*Bring drinking water.
*In addition to the event description (above), physical activities also include walking, bending, kneeling, and squatting. Please feel free to contact the event coordinator prior to event with any questions or concerns.
*Experience isn't necessary. But learning is!
Hazards include but are not limited to: Poison ivy, thorns, stinging insects, uneven terrain and weather conditions. Please prepare accordingly.
Location: We will meet in the small gravel parking lot of eastern Huguenot Flatwater on Riverside Drive, across from Oxford Parkway. This is east of the Huguenot bridge and west of Pony Pasture.
Additional Info:
There is no bathroom facility or running water at this park.
Changes or cancellation of event will be communicated via email to registered participants.
If you register but then can't participate, please cancel through the Community Foundation online calendar:
Please contact the opportunity coordinator with any questions.
Register via:
No shifts have been set up for this event yet.
No shifts have been set up for this event yet.
Contact the event organizers: Megan Lowe