Clean School Tablecloths (Return by February 14th)
Please assist our school by washing round tablecloths and some rectangular table cloths. They would need to be laundered, then placed on hangers with an effort at limiting wrinkling. The tablecloths would need to be picked up from the storage space or I can meet you at school and returned when cleaned. We need the tablecloths returned by February 14th.
Please contact Rachel Weigler, to schedule pickup and dropoff!
Clean Tablecloths (5 points)
Contact the event organizers: Jennifer Sweiderk
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Child One Grade *
Child 2 Grade (if applicable)
Child 3 Grade (if applicable)
Child 4 Grade (if applicable)
Child 5 Grade (if applicable)
Message to Organizer